Kamis, 03 November 2011
The SNSD girls are natural beauties in studio on Shindong’s radio program
Even dressed down in casual clothing members Taeyeon, Soo Young, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yuri, and Jessica exude their natural beauty through their various poses and expressions in the studio.
Netizens commented, “They’re practically shining,” and “The girls look good even when they’re not all made up.”
[Indonesian Script]
SNSD menjadi tamu di 'Shindong Shimshimtapa "MBC FM Kemarin dan bentak beberapa foto sementara di studio. Tembakan bukti mereka bersama di Twitter bersama dengan judul, "Gadis-gadis cantik! Seluruh dunia memiliki mata mereka pada SNSD! Mereka di sini. Oh saya. Mereka membutakan! "
Bahkan berpakaian santai turun dalam pakaian anggota Taeyeon, Soo Young, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yuri, dan Jessica memancarkan keindahan alam mereka melalui berbagai pose dan ekspresi mereka di studio.
Netizens berkomentar, "Mereka praktis bersinar," dan "gadis terlihat bagus bahkan ketika mereka tidak semua dibuat.
Source & Photo: Kang Won Ilbo via Naver
[Me2day] Big Bang’s Seungri encourages fans to vote for Big Bang
Big Bang’s maknae member Seungri recently encouraged fans to vote for Big Bang as he wrote via his me2day page. He wrote, “Big Bang has been nominated to represent Korea as well as all of Asia under the Worldwide Act Nominees cateogry for the upcoming MTV Europe Music Awards. You are the ones who can create an opportunity for the five of us to perform on stage again ^^”
Netizens who read his post responded with comments such as, “let’s VOTE VOTE VOTE“, “It’s been awhile since you updated“, “I’m voting everyday“, and “I really really hope you win!”
The boys will be representing the Asian Pacific region and competing against Abdelfattah Grini(Africa/India/Middle East), Lena (Europe), Restart (Latin America), and Britney Spears (North America). The winner will be revealed at the 2011 MTV EMA on November 6th.
Make sure to VOTE now and show your support for Big Bang under the World Wide Act category.
[Indonesian Script]
Sebelumnya, kami telah melaporkan bahwa anak-anak dari Big Bang dinominasikan di bawah "Nominasi Artis Internasional di Asia Pasifik" kategori untuk 2011 mendatang Eropa MTV Music Awards, memenangkan kawasan Asia Pasifik dan maju ke kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional".
Maknae Big Bang, Seungri baru-baru ini mendorong penggemar untuk memilih Big Bang saat dia menulis melalui halaman me2day nya. Dia menulis, "Big Bang telah dinominasikan untuk mewakili Korea serta seluruh Asia di Kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional" untuk Eropa Music Awards mendatang. Anda adalah orang-orang yang bisa menciptakan kesempatan bagi lima dari kita untuk tampil di atas panggung lagi ^ ^ "
Netizens yang membaca jabatannya merespon dengan komentar seperti, "mari kita VOTE VOTE VOTE", "Sudah beberapa waktu sejak Anda diperbarui", "Saya memberi dukungan setiap hari", dan "aku benar-benar sangat berharap anda menang!"
Big Bang akan mewakili kawasan Asia Pasifik dan bersaing melawan Abdelfattah Grini (Afrika / India / Timur Tengah), Lena (Eropa), Restart (Amerika Latin), dan Britney Spears (Amerika Utara). Pemenang akan terungkap di MTV EMA 2011 pada 6 November.
Pastikan untuk memberikan SUARA sekarang dan menunjukkan dukungan Anda untuk Big Bang dalam kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional"
Source: Allkpop
Seungri’s official me2day page
Big Bang en route from Incheon Airport to ‘MTV EMA Belfast’
On November 3rd, the airport was crammed full of paparazzi and fans, who were hoping to catch a glimpse of the boys. Known for their fashion sense, Big Bang didn’t disappoint as they showed up wearing comfortable, yet stylish ‘airport fashion’. Seungri and T.O.P. in particular won points with fashionistas with their chic accessories, such as T.O.P.’s cravat and Seungri’s thick cowl.
Big Bang is flying out to attend the ‘2011 MTV Europe Music Awards‘ in Belfast, scheduled to take place on November 6th.
[Indonesian Script]
Big Bang kembali! Fans akhirnya bisa melihat semua lima anggota bersama lagi di bandara Incheon saat mereka bergerak untuk mengejar penerbangan mereka ke Belfast, Irlandia Utara.
Pada 3 November, bandara dijejali paparazzi dan penggemar, yang berharap untuk melihat sekilas dari anak-anak. Terkenal karena selera fashion mereka, Big Bang tidak mengecewakan saat mereka muncul mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman, namun gaya 'fashion bandara. Seungri dan T.O.P. dalam poin memenangkan khususnya dengan fashionista dengan aksesoris yang chic, seperti dasi TOP dan Seungri yang tebal kerudung.
Big Bang terbang ke '2011 untuk menghadiri MTV Europe Music Awards 'di Belfast, yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 6 November.
2011 MAMA’ wants to give you tickets
The theme for this year’s ‘MAMA’ aims to broaden K-Pop beyond Asia, and bring global fans together through music. To help spread this message, Mnet came up with an innovative event called the ‘Music Makes One Song Dance Relay‘, which comes with a huge prize for the winning participant.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nkBz9_XvIG4
Here’s how it works: K-Pop fans are encouraged, no matter where they’re from, to create a video of themselves shuffling to their favorite K-Pop track. Mnet also wants to hear your message for your favorite idol in your video.
Participants must then upload their video to MAMA’s Facebook page or official website.
The 3 contestants who have the most enthusiastic and creative videos will be awarded with seats at the event, roundtrip tickets to Singapore, accommodation, as well as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to appear on stage.
Additionally, 25 participants will be given MAMA Special Edition Beats headsets, gift sets and much more.
The contest ends on November 15th, so grab your kicks and practice your shuffle, because this is one prize you definitely don’t want to miss!
Source : Allkpop
Selasa, 01 November 2011
Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ is Sweeping Various Weekly Music Charts!

Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ is Sweeping Various Weekly Music Charts!
Girls’ Generation proved their power by sweeping various music charts as well as TV music programs.
Girls’ Generation the 3rd album title song, ‘The Boys,’ which was released on the 19th, topped weekly charts of various music websites such as ‘Melon,’ ‘Olleh Music,’ ‘Mnet,’ ‘Bugs,’ ‘Soribada,’ etc.
Moreover, Girls’ Generation the 3rd album ‘The Boys,’ which was released on the same day, won the 1st place on both daily and weekly charts of count charts for album sales including Hanteo Chart, Hot Tracks, etc. and proved their tremendous popularity.
Also, Girls’ Generation ranked the 1st place on all the TV music programs including ‘Mnet Mcountdown,’ ‘KBS Music Bank,’ ‘SBS Inkigayo,’ etc. with ‘The Boys.’
Meanwhile, Girls’ Generation has been performing with the title song, ‘The Boys,’ in earnest.
[Korean script]
지금은 소녀시대! 소녀시대 ‘The Boys’ 각종 주간 음악차트 싹쓸이!
소녀시대가 음원, 음반, TV 음악프로그램까지 각종 주간 음악차트 1위를 싹쓸이하며, 가요계를 점령한 소녀시대 파워를 다시 한번 과시했다.
지난 19일 공개된 소녀시대 3집 타이틀 곡 ‘The Boys’는 멜론, 올레뮤직, 엠넷, 벅스, 소리바다 등 각종 음악사이트의 주간차트에서 모두 정상을 차지하는 기염을 토했다.
더 불어 같은 날 발매된 소녀시대 정규 3집 ‘The Boys’ 역시 한터차트, 핫트랙스 등 각종 음반판매량 집계차트에서 일간차트는 물론 주간차트까지 당당히 1위에 올라, 음원은 물론 음반에서도 강세를 보이고 있는 소녀시대의 뜨거운 인기를 확인시켜 주었다.
또 한 소녀시대는 ‘The Boys’로 지난 주 방영된 Mnet ‘엠카운트다운’, KBS ‘뮤직뱅크’, SBS ‘인기가요’ 등 TV 음악 프로그램에서도 모두 1위를 차지하는 기쁨을 누려, 가요계를 휩쓸고 있는 소녀시대의 위력을 실감케 하고 있다.
한편, 소녀시대는 타이틀 곡 ‘The Boys’로 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다.
Application of Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ Album has been Released!

Application of Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ album has been released!
Click the link below to download the app.
Download on iTunes :
Lite_ http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/girls-generation-the-boys/id474145935?mt=8
SHINee is Invited to the Opening Ceremony of The London Korean Film Festival as the Leader of KPOP-Fever in Europe!

SHINee is Invited to the Opening Ceremony of The London Korean Film Festival as the Leader of KPOP-Fever in Europe!
To Present Opening Gala Concert ‘SHINee in London’!
SHINee is the First Korean Idol Group to Hold Solo Concert in Britain!
SHINee will visit London after they are invited to The London Korean Film Festival.
SHINee is scheduled to present opening gala concert ‘SHINee in London’ at ‘The 6th London Korean Film Festival 2011’ which will be held in four British cities including London, Cambridge, Sheffield and Newcastle for three weeks starting from November 3rd.
Especially, in June, SHINee performed at the Abbey Road Studio (well known as Beatles’ Studio) in London as the first Asian artist and received an explosive response from local fans in London. Since the high popularity was also proven by performing at SMTOWN LIVE in Paris, it is expected to receive an enthusiastic response once again in London.
Moreover, it is unprecedented for a Korean artist to hold a solo concert in London and SHINee is the first Korean idol group to hold a solo concert, therefore it is predicted to strengthen the position of SHINee in Europe as a front-runner in spreading KPOP-fever.
The Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCC) said, “Since SHINee has been gaining high popularity from local fans in London, The London Korean Film Festival will be a chance to improve the awareness of Korean pop culture among British people in wider range of age groups.
‘SHINee in London’ will be held on November 3rd at the Odeon West End Theater of the Leicester Square, in which The London Korean Film Festival’s opening movie will be shown, and SHINee will perform hit songs and have an interview session.
Also, since Odeon West End Theater of Leicester Square is the place where holds the biggest British movie event ‘BFI London Film Festival’ every year, it is expected to attract the attention of London citizen.
With ‘The 6th London Korean Film Festival’s decision to have opening gala concert with SHINee, it is predicted to generate synergistic effects to advertise both Korean movies and pop music at the same time.
Meanwhile, SHINee ended their solo concert in Nagoya, Japan on the 27th with great success after they performed at SMTOWN LIVE in New York on the 23rd.
[Korean script]
영국은 역시 샤이니!
유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자로, 런던한국영화제 개막식 특별 초청!
오프닝 갈라 콘서트 ‘SHINee in London’ 선사!
한국 아이돌 그룹의 영국 단독 공연은 샤이니가 처음!
샤이니가 런던한국영화제에 특별 초청되어 런던을 방문한다.
샤이니는 오는 11월 3일부터 24일 3주간 영국 런던을 비롯 캠브리지, 쉐필드, 뉴캐슬등 4개 도시에서 진행되는 제6회 런던한국영화제에 초청되어, 오프닝 갈라 콘서트 ‘SHINee in London’을 선사할 계획.
특 히 샤이니는 지난 6월 비틀즈의 스튜디오로 유명한 런던의 애비로드 스튜디오에서 아시아 가수 최초로 공연을 펼쳐 영국 현지 팬들의 열정적인 호응을 얻었으며, SMTOWNLIVE 파리 공연에서도 폭발적인 인기를 확인, 유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자임을 인정받은 바 있어, 이번 공연 역시 현지 팬들의 뜨거운 반응이 기대된다.
더불어, 영국 런던에서 한국 가수의 단독 공연이 열리는 것은 이례적인 일인데다, 한국 아이돌 그룹의 단독 공연은 샤이니가 처음인 만큼, 샤이니는 이번 공연을 통해 영국, 더 나아가 유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자로서 입지를 한층 강화할 것으로 보인다.
주영한국문화원 측은 “영국 현지 청소년들에게 샤이니가 높은 인기를 얻고 있어, 런던한국영화제를 보다 폭넓은 연령 층에 알리는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다.”고 밝혔다.
‘SHINee in London’은 오는 11월 3일 런던한국영화제 개막작이 상영되는 런던 Leicester Square내 Odeon West End 극장에서 펼쳐지며, 샤이니의 히트 곡 무대와 토크로 구성된 갈라 콘서트 형식으로 진행될 예정이다.
또 한 공연이 열리는 Leicester Squre내 Odeon West End 극장은 영화 월드 프리미어 시사회의 메카이자 영국 최대 영화 이벤트인 ‘BFI London Film Festival’을 매년 유치하는 명소인 만큼, 런던 시민들의 눈길을 더욱 사로잡을 것으로 보인다.
제 6회 런던한국영화제는 샤이니의 오프닝 갈라 콘서트 결정으로, 한국의 영화와 대중음악을 동시에 알리는 시너지 효과도 가져올 것으로 기대되며, 개막작 ‘활’와 폐막작 ‘부당거래’를 비롯해 30여편의 한국 영화가 다양하게 상영될 계획이다.
한편, 샤이니는 지난 23일 SMTOWNLIVE 뉴욕 공연을 마치고 일본으로 이동, 27일 일본 나고야에서 단독 콘서트를 펼쳐 일본 관객들의 폭발적인 반응을 이끌어내며 성황리에 콘서트를 마쳤다.
SHINee’s London concert tickets sell out in a minute

SHINee has been invited to be the opening act at London’s Korean Film Festival to take place at Odeon West End Theater on November 3rd, and will also be performing their ‘SHINee in London‘ concert.
This will be the first time that a Korean artist will be holding an independent concert in London, and tickets for the show were sold out within a minute after going on sale at 1:00PM on the 27th. There was so much demand that the servers began to crash immediately after the tickets were up for sale. The sales site for London’s largest theater, Odeon, was down for five hours. It was also impossible to purchase theater tickets on the numerous other sites that were selling the theater tickets online. Fans began calling in over the phone to obtain their tickets, as well as going to the theater in person to try and purchase their tickets.
A representative from Odeon remarked, “This is the first time our server went down. We didn’t know so many people would try to purchase the tickets all at once.” Odeon Theater will be enforcing heavy security the day of the event for the safety of the fans and SHINee themselves.
The SHINee boys will be traveling to London on the 1st, and will be performing their hit songs such as “Noona so pretty“, “Juliet“, “Lucifer“, “Ring Ding Dong“, and more.
Source & Image: SportsChosun via Nate
2NE1 attends photo session for ‘Jeremy Scott x Adidas’ shoes

Back in October, that famous designer Jeremy Scott would be introducing a new Adidas collection inspired by his close friends, 2NE1.
The fierce foursome made an appearance today at the Adidas Original store in Myundong, Seoul for a photo session event introducing the ‘JS Collage Wing x 2NE1‘ collection. As expected, 2NE1 wore Jeremy Scott’s fashion pieces while showing off his ‘JS Collage Wings x 2NE1′ shoes. CL and Minzy drew especial attention with their radical change in hairstyles.
As mentioned previously, the ‘JS Collage Wings x 2NE1′ shoes has elements derived from 2NE1′s music, character, fashion style, and individual member qualities. In order to express the mix-and-match style unique to 2NE1, Jeremy Scott decided to incorporate the use of the collage technique.
Meanwhile, ‘JS Wing 2.0 Satin is made of pure white satin material and decorated with wings to evoke an angel design.

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk doesn’t drink alcohol due to promise with JYJ’s Junsu

On the October 31st broadcast of ‘Come to Play‘, Eunhyuk of Super Junior revealed that he has been friends with JYJ‘s Junsu since elementary school, which has curbed important personal decisions in his life. The guests were discussing their drinking habits, and Eunhyuk confessed has never consumed a single glass of alcohol in his entire life.
Host Yoo Jae Suk asked Eunhyuk, “How is your alcohol tolerance? Do you have any drinking habits?”
Eunhyuk replied, “I don’t drink alcohol. I’ve been friends with Junsu since elementary school. We both dreamed of being singers since we were young. We both made a promise back then. I told Junsu, ‘Since we’re going to be singers, let’s not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes,’ and he happily agreed.”
Fans who viewed the show commented, “I guess his secret to looking young was no drinking or smoking,” “I never knew that he and Junsu have been friends since elementary school,” and, “I hope you continue to keep your promise, and your friendship lasts.”
Source + Photo: TV Daily via Nate
Co-Ed to debut their male unit next year

At the beginning of this year, Co-Ed‘s girl unit ‘5dolls‘ hinted that their male counterparts were in the midst of preparations for their own debut.
5dolls’ Hyewon revealed, “When ‘Co-Ed’ was first created, plans for unit promotions were already being made. There won’t be a disbandment of Co-Ed. Just like how the girls are getting their own unit, the boys will be making their unit as well and are currently preparing for it.”
Fans have been waiting a long time for an update, and on November 1st, Kim Jungwoo finally delivered one through Twitter.
The idol stated, “The Male unit will be early next year.. It’ll be hard [to debut] this yearㅠㅠ We’ll practice a lot~”
He also expressed some of his worries, as he wrote, “I like practicing right now more so than when we were promoting… I need to practice more in order to make up for anything I’m lacking in… That’s the right thing to do… But I feel a little dreary. I need to work harder to produce a better outcome for the people who are waiting, but my head gets ahead of me and thing aren’t going to way I want it to, so I’m getting stressed out. I should sleep ㅠㅠ Good night everyone~”
SHINee’s Key gives a ‘fashionista’ update with Simpsons socks

SHINee‘s Key reclaimed his title as a ‘fashionista’ through his latest me2day update.
On November 1st, Key simply wrote, “London go go!,” and revealed the photos above.
The idol is seen posing with fellow members Taemin, Jonghyun, and Onew, who all showed quirky expressions and trendy styling. Fans laughed especially over Key’s Santa Simpsons socks, which were pulled over his jeans. The other points, like his trendy eyeglasses and knit hat, gave him a chic look overall.
Netizens commented, “It’s the London style“, “It’s good to see that you guys are doing well“, “You have good taste, stuffing your pants in your socks!“, and “You’re being more of a fashionista by the day“.
In related news, SHINee will soon be participating in the 6th London Korean Film Festival.
Source + Photo: Star News
Kamis, 03 November 2011
The SNSD girls are natural beauties in studio on Shindong’s radio program
Even dressed down in casual clothing members Taeyeon, Soo Young, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yuri, and Jessica exude their natural beauty through their various poses and expressions in the studio.
Netizens commented, “They’re practically shining,” and “The girls look good even when they’re not all made up.”
[Indonesian Script]
SNSD menjadi tamu di 'Shindong Shimshimtapa "MBC FM Kemarin dan bentak beberapa foto sementara di studio. Tembakan bukti mereka bersama di Twitter bersama dengan judul, "Gadis-gadis cantik! Seluruh dunia memiliki mata mereka pada SNSD! Mereka di sini. Oh saya. Mereka membutakan! "
Bahkan berpakaian santai turun dalam pakaian anggota Taeyeon, Soo Young, Tiffany, Seohyun, Yuri, dan Jessica memancarkan keindahan alam mereka melalui berbagai pose dan ekspresi mereka di studio.
Netizens berkomentar, "Mereka praktis bersinar," dan "gadis terlihat bagus bahkan ketika mereka tidak semua dibuat.
Source & Photo: Kang Won Ilbo via Naver
[Me2day] Big Bang’s Seungri encourages fans to vote for Big Bang
Big Bang’s maknae member Seungri recently encouraged fans to vote for Big Bang as he wrote via his me2day page. He wrote, “Big Bang has been nominated to represent Korea as well as all of Asia under the Worldwide Act Nominees cateogry for the upcoming MTV Europe Music Awards. You are the ones who can create an opportunity for the five of us to perform on stage again ^^”
Netizens who read his post responded with comments such as, “let’s VOTE VOTE VOTE“, “It’s been awhile since you updated“, “I’m voting everyday“, and “I really really hope you win!”
The boys will be representing the Asian Pacific region and competing against Abdelfattah Grini(Africa/India/Middle East), Lena (Europe), Restart (Latin America), and Britney Spears (North America). The winner will be revealed at the 2011 MTV EMA on November 6th.
Make sure to VOTE now and show your support for Big Bang under the World Wide Act category.
[Indonesian Script]
Sebelumnya, kami telah melaporkan bahwa anak-anak dari Big Bang dinominasikan di bawah "Nominasi Artis Internasional di Asia Pasifik" kategori untuk 2011 mendatang Eropa MTV Music Awards, memenangkan kawasan Asia Pasifik dan maju ke kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional".
Maknae Big Bang, Seungri baru-baru ini mendorong penggemar untuk memilih Big Bang saat dia menulis melalui halaman me2day nya. Dia menulis, "Big Bang telah dinominasikan untuk mewakili Korea serta seluruh Asia di Kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional" untuk Eropa Music Awards mendatang. Anda adalah orang-orang yang bisa menciptakan kesempatan bagi lima dari kita untuk tampil di atas panggung lagi ^ ^ "
Netizens yang membaca jabatannya merespon dengan komentar seperti, "mari kita VOTE VOTE VOTE", "Sudah beberapa waktu sejak Anda diperbarui", "Saya memberi dukungan setiap hari", dan "aku benar-benar sangat berharap anda menang!"
Big Bang akan mewakili kawasan Asia Pasifik dan bersaing melawan Abdelfattah Grini (Afrika / India / Timur Tengah), Lena (Eropa), Restart (Amerika Latin), dan Britney Spears (Amerika Utara). Pemenang akan terungkap di MTV EMA 2011 pada 6 November.
Pastikan untuk memberikan SUARA sekarang dan menunjukkan dukungan Anda untuk Big Bang dalam kategori "Nominasi Artis Internasional"
Source: Allkpop
Seungri’s official me2day page
Big Bang en route from Incheon Airport to ‘MTV EMA Belfast’
On November 3rd, the airport was crammed full of paparazzi and fans, who were hoping to catch a glimpse of the boys. Known for their fashion sense, Big Bang didn’t disappoint as they showed up wearing comfortable, yet stylish ‘airport fashion’. Seungri and T.O.P. in particular won points with fashionistas with their chic accessories, such as T.O.P.’s cravat and Seungri’s thick cowl.
Big Bang is flying out to attend the ‘2011 MTV Europe Music Awards‘ in Belfast, scheduled to take place on November 6th.
[Indonesian Script]
Big Bang kembali! Fans akhirnya bisa melihat semua lima anggota bersama lagi di bandara Incheon saat mereka bergerak untuk mengejar penerbangan mereka ke Belfast, Irlandia Utara.
Pada 3 November, bandara dijejali paparazzi dan penggemar, yang berharap untuk melihat sekilas dari anak-anak. Terkenal karena selera fashion mereka, Big Bang tidak mengecewakan saat mereka muncul mengenakan pakaian yang nyaman, namun gaya 'fashion bandara. Seungri dan T.O.P. dalam poin memenangkan khususnya dengan fashionista dengan aksesoris yang chic, seperti dasi TOP dan Seungri yang tebal kerudung.
Big Bang terbang ke '2011 untuk menghadiri MTV Europe Music Awards 'di Belfast, yang dijadwalkan berlangsung pada 6 November.
2011 MAMA’ wants to give you tickets
The theme for this year’s ‘MAMA’ aims to broaden K-Pop beyond Asia, and bring global fans together through music. To help spread this message, Mnet came up with an innovative event called the ‘Music Makes One Song Dance Relay‘, which comes with a huge prize for the winning participant.http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nkBz9_XvIG4
Here’s how it works: K-Pop fans are encouraged, no matter where they’re from, to create a video of themselves shuffling to their favorite K-Pop track. Mnet also wants to hear your message for your favorite idol in your video.
Participants must then upload their video to MAMA’s Facebook page or official website.
The 3 contestants who have the most enthusiastic and creative videos will be awarded with seats at the event, roundtrip tickets to Singapore, accommodation, as well as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to appear on stage.
Additionally, 25 participants will be given MAMA Special Edition Beats headsets, gift sets and much more.
The contest ends on November 15th, so grab your kicks and practice your shuffle, because this is one prize you definitely don’t want to miss!
Source : Allkpop
Selasa, 01 November 2011
Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ is Sweeping Various Weekly Music Charts!

Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ is Sweeping Various Weekly Music Charts!
Girls’ Generation proved their power by sweeping various music charts as well as TV music programs.
Girls’ Generation the 3rd album title song, ‘The Boys,’ which was released on the 19th, topped weekly charts of various music websites such as ‘Melon,’ ‘Olleh Music,’ ‘Mnet,’ ‘Bugs,’ ‘Soribada,’ etc.
Moreover, Girls’ Generation the 3rd album ‘The Boys,’ which was released on the same day, won the 1st place on both daily and weekly charts of count charts for album sales including Hanteo Chart, Hot Tracks, etc. and proved their tremendous popularity.
Also, Girls’ Generation ranked the 1st place on all the TV music programs including ‘Mnet Mcountdown,’ ‘KBS Music Bank,’ ‘SBS Inkigayo,’ etc. with ‘The Boys.’
Meanwhile, Girls’ Generation has been performing with the title song, ‘The Boys,’ in earnest.
[Korean script]
지금은 소녀시대! 소녀시대 ‘The Boys’ 각종 주간 음악차트 싹쓸이!
소녀시대가 음원, 음반, TV 음악프로그램까지 각종 주간 음악차트 1위를 싹쓸이하며, 가요계를 점령한 소녀시대 파워를 다시 한번 과시했다.
지난 19일 공개된 소녀시대 3집 타이틀 곡 ‘The Boys’는 멜론, 올레뮤직, 엠넷, 벅스, 소리바다 등 각종 음악사이트의 주간차트에서 모두 정상을 차지하는 기염을 토했다.
더 불어 같은 날 발매된 소녀시대 정규 3집 ‘The Boys’ 역시 한터차트, 핫트랙스 등 각종 음반판매량 집계차트에서 일간차트는 물론 주간차트까지 당당히 1위에 올라, 음원은 물론 음반에서도 강세를 보이고 있는 소녀시대의 뜨거운 인기를 확인시켜 주었다.
또 한 소녀시대는 ‘The Boys’로 지난 주 방영된 Mnet ‘엠카운트다운’, KBS ‘뮤직뱅크’, SBS ‘인기가요’ 등 TV 음악 프로그램에서도 모두 1위를 차지하는 기쁨을 누려, 가요계를 휩쓸고 있는 소녀시대의 위력을 실감케 하고 있다.
한편, 소녀시대는 타이틀 곡 ‘The Boys’로 활발한 활동을 펼치고 있다.
Application of Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ Album has been Released!

Application of Girls’ Generation ‘The Boys’ album has been released!
Click the link below to download the app.
Download on iTunes :
Lite_ http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/girls-generation-the-boys/id474145935?mt=8
SHINee is Invited to the Opening Ceremony of The London Korean Film Festival as the Leader of KPOP-Fever in Europe!

SHINee is Invited to the Opening Ceremony of The London Korean Film Festival as the Leader of KPOP-Fever in Europe!
To Present Opening Gala Concert ‘SHINee in London’!
SHINee is the First Korean Idol Group to Hold Solo Concert in Britain!
SHINee will visit London after they are invited to The London Korean Film Festival.
SHINee is scheduled to present opening gala concert ‘SHINee in London’ at ‘The 6th London Korean Film Festival 2011’ which will be held in four British cities including London, Cambridge, Sheffield and Newcastle for three weeks starting from November 3rd.
Especially, in June, SHINee performed at the Abbey Road Studio (well known as Beatles’ Studio) in London as the first Asian artist and received an explosive response from local fans in London. Since the high popularity was also proven by performing at SMTOWN LIVE in Paris, it is expected to receive an enthusiastic response once again in London.
Moreover, it is unprecedented for a Korean artist to hold a solo concert in London and SHINee is the first Korean idol group to hold a solo concert, therefore it is predicted to strengthen the position of SHINee in Europe as a front-runner in spreading KPOP-fever.
The Korean Cultural Centre UK (KCC) said, “Since SHINee has been gaining high popularity from local fans in London, The London Korean Film Festival will be a chance to improve the awareness of Korean pop culture among British people in wider range of age groups.
‘SHINee in London’ will be held on November 3rd at the Odeon West End Theater of the Leicester Square, in which The London Korean Film Festival’s opening movie will be shown, and SHINee will perform hit songs and have an interview session.
Also, since Odeon West End Theater of Leicester Square is the place where holds the biggest British movie event ‘BFI London Film Festival’ every year, it is expected to attract the attention of London citizen.
With ‘The 6th London Korean Film Festival’s decision to have opening gala concert with SHINee, it is predicted to generate synergistic effects to advertise both Korean movies and pop music at the same time.
Meanwhile, SHINee ended their solo concert in Nagoya, Japan on the 27th with great success after they performed at SMTOWN LIVE in New York on the 23rd.
[Korean script]
영국은 역시 샤이니!
유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자로, 런던한국영화제 개막식 특별 초청!
오프닝 갈라 콘서트 ‘SHINee in London’ 선사!
한국 아이돌 그룹의 영국 단독 공연은 샤이니가 처음!
샤이니가 런던한국영화제에 특별 초청되어 런던을 방문한다.
샤이니는 오는 11월 3일부터 24일 3주간 영국 런던을 비롯 캠브리지, 쉐필드, 뉴캐슬등 4개 도시에서 진행되는 제6회 런던한국영화제에 초청되어, 오프닝 갈라 콘서트 ‘SHINee in London’을 선사할 계획.
특 히 샤이니는 지난 6월 비틀즈의 스튜디오로 유명한 런던의 애비로드 스튜디오에서 아시아 가수 최초로 공연을 펼쳐 영국 현지 팬들의 열정적인 호응을 얻었으며, SMTOWNLIVE 파리 공연에서도 폭발적인 인기를 확인, 유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자임을 인정받은 바 있어, 이번 공연 역시 현지 팬들의 뜨거운 반응이 기대된다.
더불어, 영국 런던에서 한국 가수의 단독 공연이 열리는 것은 이례적인 일인데다, 한국 아이돌 그룹의 단독 공연은 샤이니가 처음인 만큼, 샤이니는 이번 공연을 통해 영국, 더 나아가 유럽 KPOP 열풍의 선두주자로서 입지를 한층 강화할 것으로 보인다.
주영한국문화원 측은 “영국 현지 청소년들에게 샤이니가 높은 인기를 얻고 있어, 런던한국영화제를 보다 폭넓은 연령 층에 알리는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다.”고 밝혔다.
‘SHINee in London’은 오는 11월 3일 런던한국영화제 개막작이 상영되는 런던 Leicester Square내 Odeon West End 극장에서 펼쳐지며, 샤이니의 히트 곡 무대와 토크로 구성된 갈라 콘서트 형식으로 진행될 예정이다.
또 한 공연이 열리는 Leicester Squre내 Odeon West End 극장은 영화 월드 프리미어 시사회의 메카이자 영국 최대 영화 이벤트인 ‘BFI London Film Festival’을 매년 유치하는 명소인 만큼, 런던 시민들의 눈길을 더욱 사로잡을 것으로 보인다.
제 6회 런던한국영화제는 샤이니의 오프닝 갈라 콘서트 결정으로, 한국의 영화와 대중음악을 동시에 알리는 시너지 효과도 가져올 것으로 기대되며, 개막작 ‘활’와 폐막작 ‘부당거래’를 비롯해 30여편의 한국 영화가 다양하게 상영될 계획이다.
한편, 샤이니는 지난 23일 SMTOWNLIVE 뉴욕 공연을 마치고 일본으로 이동, 27일 일본 나고야에서 단독 콘서트를 펼쳐 일본 관객들의 폭발적인 반응을 이끌어내며 성황리에 콘서트를 마쳤다.
SHINee’s London concert tickets sell out in a minute

SHINee has been invited to be the opening act at London’s Korean Film Festival to take place at Odeon West End Theater on November 3rd, and will also be performing their ‘SHINee in London‘ concert.
This will be the first time that a Korean artist will be holding an independent concert in London, and tickets for the show were sold out within a minute after going on sale at 1:00PM on the 27th. There was so much demand that the servers began to crash immediately after the tickets were up for sale. The sales site for London’s largest theater, Odeon, was down for five hours. It was also impossible to purchase theater tickets on the numerous other sites that were selling the theater tickets online. Fans began calling in over the phone to obtain their tickets, as well as going to the theater in person to try and purchase their tickets.
A representative from Odeon remarked, “This is the first time our server went down. We didn’t know so many people would try to purchase the tickets all at once.” Odeon Theater will be enforcing heavy security the day of the event for the safety of the fans and SHINee themselves.
The SHINee boys will be traveling to London on the 1st, and will be performing their hit songs such as “Noona so pretty“, “Juliet“, “Lucifer“, “Ring Ding Dong“, and more.
Source & Image: SportsChosun via Nate
2NE1 attends photo session for ‘Jeremy Scott x Adidas’ shoes

Back in October, that famous designer Jeremy Scott would be introducing a new Adidas collection inspired by his close friends, 2NE1.
The fierce foursome made an appearance today at the Adidas Original store in Myundong, Seoul for a photo session event introducing the ‘JS Collage Wing x 2NE1‘ collection. As expected, 2NE1 wore Jeremy Scott’s fashion pieces while showing off his ‘JS Collage Wings x 2NE1′ shoes. CL and Minzy drew especial attention with their radical change in hairstyles.
As mentioned previously, the ‘JS Collage Wings x 2NE1′ shoes has elements derived from 2NE1′s music, character, fashion style, and individual member qualities. In order to express the mix-and-match style unique to 2NE1, Jeremy Scott decided to incorporate the use of the collage technique.
Meanwhile, ‘JS Wing 2.0 Satin is made of pure white satin material and decorated with wings to evoke an angel design.

Super Junior’s Eunhyuk doesn’t drink alcohol due to promise with JYJ’s Junsu

On the October 31st broadcast of ‘Come to Play‘, Eunhyuk of Super Junior revealed that he has been friends with JYJ‘s Junsu since elementary school, which has curbed important personal decisions in his life. The guests were discussing their drinking habits, and Eunhyuk confessed has never consumed a single glass of alcohol in his entire life.
Host Yoo Jae Suk asked Eunhyuk, “How is your alcohol tolerance? Do you have any drinking habits?”
Eunhyuk replied, “I don’t drink alcohol. I’ve been friends with Junsu since elementary school. We both dreamed of being singers since we were young. We both made a promise back then. I told Junsu, ‘Since we’re going to be singers, let’s not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes,’ and he happily agreed.”
Fans who viewed the show commented, “I guess his secret to looking young was no drinking or smoking,” “I never knew that he and Junsu have been friends since elementary school,” and, “I hope you continue to keep your promise, and your friendship lasts.”
Source + Photo: TV Daily via Nate
Co-Ed to debut their male unit next year

At the beginning of this year, Co-Ed‘s girl unit ‘5dolls‘ hinted that their male counterparts were in the midst of preparations for their own debut.
5dolls’ Hyewon revealed, “When ‘Co-Ed’ was first created, plans for unit promotions were already being made. There won’t be a disbandment of Co-Ed. Just like how the girls are getting their own unit, the boys will be making their unit as well and are currently preparing for it.”
Fans have been waiting a long time for an update, and on November 1st, Kim Jungwoo finally delivered one through Twitter.
The idol stated, “The Male unit will be early next year.. It’ll be hard [to debut] this yearㅠㅠ We’ll practice a lot~”
He also expressed some of his worries, as he wrote, “I like practicing right now more so than when we were promoting… I need to practice more in order to make up for anything I’m lacking in… That’s the right thing to do… But I feel a little dreary. I need to work harder to produce a better outcome for the people who are waiting, but my head gets ahead of me and thing aren’t going to way I want it to, so I’m getting stressed out. I should sleep ㅠㅠ Good night everyone~”
SHINee’s Key gives a ‘fashionista’ update with Simpsons socks

SHINee‘s Key reclaimed his title as a ‘fashionista’ through his latest me2day update.
On November 1st, Key simply wrote, “London go go!,” and revealed the photos above.
The idol is seen posing with fellow members Taemin, Jonghyun, and Onew, who all showed quirky expressions and trendy styling. Fans laughed especially over Key’s Santa Simpsons socks, which were pulled over his jeans. The other points, like his trendy eyeglasses and knit hat, gave him a chic look overall.
Netizens commented, “It’s the London style“, “It’s good to see that you guys are doing well“, “You have good taste, stuffing your pants in your socks!“, and “You’re being more of a fashionista by the day“.
In related news, SHINee will soon be participating in the 6th London Korean Film Festival.
Source + Photo: Star News